Monday, April 20, 2020

Action Verbs in Resume Writing

Action Verbs in Resume WritingThere are a lot of ideas and concepts out there on how to write a resume, but not a lot of concrete information on what actions verbs to write in a resume. Action verbs are basically adjectives or adverbs that describe a part of the activity, such as, for example, 'meteoric, excitatory, rejuvenating, and heroic' when it comes to writing resumes.The purpose of action verbs is to convey a person's level of performance, motivation, and attitude. Some common actions verbs include 'action, excellence, success, and accomplishment'. However, the correct action verbs are more often used in resumes than in writing essay-style papers. In other words, the verb would be more used to describe a position or a job rather than the act of performing a certain task.For example, rather than saying 'performed', a resume could be written instead with an action verb that describes the action that was performed. This would be 'acted, confronted, struggled, succeeded, and self- reliant'carried out', etc. Any action verb that relates to the person's success can be used in a resume; the only thing to remember is to remember what an action verb is, and to remember that the action must bring about success, not simply perform.It is also very important to know what the correct action verbs are. There are a lot of potential pitfalls to avoid when writing a resume and it can sometimes be difficult to figure out what the appropriate action verbs are. While it may not be easy, it is important to be aware of the different meanings of the different action verbs. For example, the most common word that would refer to the action would be 'action', but it is also important to know the difference between action verbs and simply performing an action.An action verb refers to the act of doing something. While in writing a paper, it would be easier to simply list the topic in a paragraph with no description of the action performed. However, when writing a resume it is imperati ve to remember that all the action verbs must be given with an explanation as to why the action is being described. It should not just be used to describe what action was done.There are several instances when one of the action verbs may be incorrectly used. For example, 'initiated' can refer to the person's belief and desire to do something. But in writing a resume, this can mean one of two things. It can mean a person's belief and desire to become more involved in the activities of the organization, or it can mean something else entirely. In order to make this clearer, you need to look at the way action verbs are used in this context, and the proper way to use them in a resume.To simplify the matter, it is best to list the specific action verbs in a resume, and write the phrase 'initiated' after it. After that, use the action verb in the second sentence of the second paragraph. The second sentence should clearly state what the action verb meaning and should clearly explain why the action verb was used in the first place.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Reboot Your Career in 3 Steps

How to Reboot Your Career in 3 Steps It’s hard not to feel like a massive screw up sometimes. We’re constantly being reminded of other people’s greatness â€" stories about scrappy young bootstrappers who grew up to become Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk are basically part of our national identity. If you’re a bit lost in your own career, or haven’t quite figured out your “calling,” these aspirational models of success can feel more like nasty little digs at how little you’ve done by comparison. No one knows this feeling better than Rich Karlgaard. In 1980, the year Steve Jobs took Apple public, Karlgaard was working as a night watchman in San Jose Calif, where his only coworker was a lumberyard dog. Both men were 25 years old. Things eventually turned around for Karlgaard. At 26, he landed a job as a technical writer at a research institute. Eighteen years later, at 44, he became the publisher of Forbes â€" a title he still holds today. That’s how it works for some people, Karlgaard says. J.K. Rowling worked dead end jobs before becoming the world’s first billionaire author at 40. Julia Child was pushing 50 before anybody knew who she was. In his new book, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement, Karlgaard lays out some practical advice for those of us whoâ€"like Rowling, Child, and himselfâ€"didn’t figure everything out in our 20s. If you’re treading water at your 9 to 5, here are three tips for finally getting the pieces into place. Embrace self doubt The personality traits we tend to associate with successâ€"”ambition,” “grit,” “drive”â€"can make it seem like great careers stem only from unwavering self-confidence. It’s no wonder why periods of uncertainty feel so derailing. Late bloomers should learn how to use self-doubt to their advantage, Karlgaard says. Maybe you’re unsure about whether you’re qualified for a job opening. Instead of scrapping the application, spend some extra time zhuzhing up your cover letter, and take a crash course on a new technical skill the role requires. The trick is to recognize self doubt for what it isâ€"a feeling, not a factâ€"before it stagnates you completely. “You can be unsure of yourself,” Karlgaard says. “But if you’re sure about one or two things, it grows.” Reframe your inner monologue Learning how to speak publicly, cold call people, or do any those other nerve-wracking things that take lots and lots of practice? Karlgaard says you should think of yourself as a good friend who needs a pep talk. And then psych yourself up. It’s a tip he got from Alison Woods Brooks at Harvard Business School, who’s research on “positive self talk” found that students who practice changing negative first-person thoughts (“I’m nervous”) into positive third-person ones (“get excited”) lessened their performance anxiety before karaoke singing, public speaking, and math performance. It’s not a magic wand, Karlgaard says, but if you’re an introvert, it can make stepping up your professional game a lot easier. Look for new spaces to thrive There are many ways to achieve your professional goals â€" and most of them don’t materialize straight out of college. If you’re stuck in a job, field, or speciality that doesn’t suit you, Karlgaard recommends thinking about the areas you can pivot to without having to upend your life. He calls this “repotting,” and says it’s helped loads of people transition from fields like journalism to public relations, social work to guidance counseling, and so on. Figuring out where you’re meant to be might take a lot of little baby steps. But you’ll know you’re close when “you’re feeling pulled rather than pushed,” he says. “And eventually, you’ll get pulled through your self doubt and into courage you didn’t think you had.”